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The Medieval Troops of Briançon

Compagnie de trencavel

Compagnie de trencavel

Medieval camp with craft workshops. Presentation of a set of life-sized war machines and siege weapons (offensive and defensive). Demonstration of medieval fights. Playlets of key moments of a knight’s life in the Middle Ages (adoubement …) and other life events (punishments of disbelievers …).

Association entre 2 airs

Association entre 2 airs


Theater company wandering around in the Vauban city. Medieval music group. Polyphonic ensemble from Tallard, in the Southern Alps, constituted of musicians playing the guitar, bagpipes and the percussion. The company will provide a musical background to the 10:30 Mass at the Collegiate Church on Sunday morning.



The company camp will be in the moat by the Embrun door. Meet the Folkint company showcasing Scandinavian people established in Normandy in the 10th century. Their craftsmen will introduce you to braids and lucette weaving, money minting, leather and wood work and they will organise an interactive workshop presenting armours and combat techniques from back along.

Arthus Spectacle L'homme fort et le coin du magicien

Arthus Spectacle L'homme fort et le coin du magicien

place médecin Général Blanchard

The Arthus Games : Arthus offers an authentic artistic approach around ancient games, a space entirely focused on games from Antiquity to the eighteenth century. It is a camp, a decor, with tents, wooden tables, and more than 20 historically sourced games, games of throwing, skill, boards. The Arthus games : these are led by several costumed actors, trained to handle physical contact, sheltering and playing with the public, launching challenges, bets and creating a unique atmosphere. Discover the jackstraws, the birinig, the castle game, the alquerque, the mill, the ladder game, the nutcracker, the plate game, the grail game, the dog and the jackal, the pharaoh and all the others… Discover a different way of understanding a historical show.

Le condor d’arles

Le condor d’arles

Jardin Chanoine Motte

Great concert Friday evening at the Canon Motte garden. Musical strolls Saturday in the city, and small concert on the large stage by the Embrun gate. The Condor company is an internationally known band of traditional music and dances. Under the leadership of the charismatic Jean-François Gérold, this band presents Provençal music, dances and costumes. It plays an important role in the transmission of cultural and folk heritage. Against a background of Provençal heritage, modern rhythms are softened by regional and global influences.



It will be placed in front of the old Cordelier chapel, in the Asfeld bridge street. Come and listen to medieval tales (chivalry, beliefs, peasantry). Soak up the atmosphere and experience the feelings a listener from back along would have felt. As if you were there!

Les Dernières Amazones

Les Dernières Amazones

Coming from distant lands, the last Amazons take you into their exclusively female tribal universe to the rhythm of their war drums. Fiery animations or warrior marches, their representations with martial, mystical and wild energies invite you to the core of the myth...



Strolls throughout the city, and concert Saturday night before the fire show. Straight out of the mists of Scotland, the Claymor Clan will make you travel! A set of Scottish bagpipes and percussions under the artistic direction of Archie Mac Alister, the Claymor, renowned in medieval festivals, will make you vibrate, dance and dream no end !

Les lanceurs de drapeaux Italiens d'Alba

Les lanceurs de drapeaux Italiens d'Alba


Shows in the Chanoine Motte garden and on the large stage located by the Embrun gate, and strolls through the Vauban city. Whether they are wandering around or static, the Alba flag launchers will offer you magnificent displays and spectacular flag throws.

La Gueusaille

La Gueusaille

Jardin chanoine Motte, déambulations

The beggars camp is located in the Canon Motte garden, starting point of their wanderings in the city Vauban. Close your eyes and think of the Middle Ages, imagine dirty and vulgar beggars. Tramps, miserable, needy, beggars who live on alms, and are reduced to begging for a living.

Confrérie St Geraud D'asperis

Confrérie St Geraud D'asperis


Strolls through the citadel and see demonstrations of medieval music and dances in the squares. Possibility to take part in dance initiations.



Strolls in the Vauban city. This juggler offers visitors «interactive juggling». Come and discover your hidden talents !

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